Hello, My Name Is Colin Stearman!
Welcome to the Stearman.com website. As time is available I will be adding to and developing the site to include things of interest to me, my family and perhaps anyone who shares the Stearman name.
I will add posts to my blog from time to time. In my posts I will discuss subjects that interest me ….. and you, I hope. I will probably express some opinions that you may or may not agree with, and I respect your right to disagree. I’ll be monitoring your comments and publishing those of interest that do not conflict with my sense of values. You will need to register or log in before you can comment. Don’t expect to find anything here that is immoral, sexist, tasteless, anti-Semitic, anti-religion, anti-Muslim, racially motivated or defamatory. Lively and thoughtful discussion is always welcome.
I have installed a genealogy program to document the Stearman Family Tree. It’s always a work in progress. You can browse it without an account, but to see or edit the details you will need to register or log in if you already have an account.
As you may know, one famous holder of the Stearman name was Lloyd Stearman, who developed the World War II PT-17 trainer for the US. Most US pilots trained in a plane like the one below, before going on to fight in another famous plane, the North American P-51 “Mustang”. There are still many PT-17 examples in full airworthy condition and flying on a regular basis. See the links in the footer for more reading material.
So welcome, and I hope you’ll stop by often.

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