Installing MSMTP on a Raspberry Pi

Introduction MSMTP appears better supported on all versions of Raspberry Pi than SSMTP. This is the procedure to remove SSMTP and install MSMTP. Update OS >sudo apt update >sudo apt full-upgrade -y Remove SSMTP >sudo apt remove ssmtp mailutils -y >sudo apt...

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Project Completed

I recently needed to create hardware and a web page that would give me control of our Verizon FIOS Digital Video Recorder.  They have an upgrade which gives this capability but I prefer to use my skills and implement it myself. If you are interested in reading about...

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Boston Digital Newsletters 1992

While turning out some old files I found these 2 newsletters from Boston Digital and thought others might find them interesting.  They are from 1992.  Boston Digital was a precision milling machine manufacturer based in Milford, Massachusetts, and was founded by Tom...

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An Impressive Software Development Feat

Around 1970 my father, Geoff Stearman, developed a piece of software called FABAL.It was a two-pass assembly language program designed to run on Feedback Ltd's Abacus educational computer.  I have created a document that details why I consider the development of this...

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Hopkinton MA Circa 1974

This is a conversion of a Super 8 movie taken around Hopkinton, MA in the early '70s.  Probably 1974.  The route is approximately Thayer Heights, Chestnut St, Route 85 north, Hayden Rowe St, Main St going west, Main Street going east to Weston Nurseries. There is no...

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Goodbye Old Friend

Yesterday Tank died.  But that's not my focus today.  Remembering the 12 years of friendship and love he unconditionally gave to his family are.  His gentle and easy-going personality endeared him to all he came in contact with. He did have one major failing though. ...

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Announcing The New

Now that I have more time I have finally started to recreate the site for  It is very raw at the moment but hope it will get more polished as time passes. I plan to populate it  with  information on subjects that interest me, and hope that some will...

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